Thursday, August 18, 2005


Does this happen to you? Every now and then when posting or previewing a post, or simply browsing; you get the page not available message or takes a long time to view? If you look at your firewall's log, you'll see that your ISP's and/or router IP is blocked ( or .1).

1. Find the IP address of your gateway. If you're using Windows 2000 or XP, run IPCONFIG at a command prompt on the Host computer. If you're using Windows 98 or Me, run WINIPCFG on the Host computer. Either way, you'll get an address that looks like (where the x's represent numbers).
a.) Then, go to one of your Client machines, and type the following:
b.) PING -f -l 1500
(where is the gateway address you obtained in the first step). You'll probably get an error message indicating that it must be fragmented. If you do, type the following:

c.) PING -f -l 1492
If that doesn't work, try this:
d.) PING -f -l 1472

2. The numbers in each of these examples (1500, 1492, 1472) are the MTU values. Continue issuing this command with lower and lower MTU numbers until you get ping responses instead of an error message. The highest MTU value that works is the one you need to be using. If an MTU of 1500 (the first command, above) does not produce an error, then this solution won't work for you.

The next step is to configure all your Client computers to use the new, lower MTU as the default for all Internet communication.

Windows 2000 and XP:

1. Run the Registry Editor (REGEDIT.EXE) on one of your "Client" machines.

2. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SYSTEM\ CurrentControlSet\ Services\ Tcpip\ Parameters\ Interfaces

3. There should be several subkeys under the Interfaces key; most likely, you'll find three. View the contents of each key by clicking, and find the one that corresponds to your primary network adapter; it will be the one with more values than the other two, and will have an IP address value set to something like 192.168.0.x.

4. Once you've found the correct subkey, create a new DWORD value in it (Edit -> New -> DWORD Value), and name the value MTU.

5. Double-click the new value, choose the Decimal option, and type the MTU value determined above.

6. Click Ok when you're done - you'll need to restart Windows for this change take effect.

7. Repeat this for each Client machine.

Windows 98/Me:

1. Run the Registry Editor (REGEDIT.EXE) on one of your "Client" machines.

2. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ System\ CurrentControlSet\ Services\ Class\ Net
3. Under that branch, find a key (numbered, such as 0005) that contains has TCP/IP assigned to the DriverDesc value.

4. Select New from the Edit menu, then String Value, and type MaxMTU for the name of the new value.

5. Double-click the new value, choose the Decimal option, and type the MTU value determined above.

6. Click Ok when you're done - you'll need to restart Windows for this change take effect.

7. Repeat this for each Client machine.

No matter how good your systems may be, they're only as effective as what you put into them.


Did you ever want to right-click in explorer and simply move or copy file/directory?? Well, now you can. Simply create a new text file called "install_copy_move_to.vbs" and copy/paste the first code below, then create another new text file called "uninstall_copy_move_to.vbs" and copy/paste the second code. Then run "install_copy_move_to.vbs", test it by right-clicking a file or directory in explorer. To uninstall, simply run "uninstall_copy_move_to.vbs".

First Code

If (MsgBox ("Are you sure you want to install the Copy/Move To Extensions?", VBYesNo) = vbYes) then
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

' Copy uninstall file and Add uninstall reg entry
WinDir = WshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%Windir%")
Set fso = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Call fso.CopyFile("uninstallcopymoveto.vbs", _
WinDir & "\uninstallcopymoveto.vbs", True)
Set fso = Nothing
BaseKey = "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Copy Move To Extensions\"
Call WshShell.RegWrite (BaseKey & "DisplayName", _
"Copy/Move To Extensions","REG_SZ")
Call WshShell.RegWrite (BaseKey & "UninstallString", _
"cscript.exe " & WinDir & "\uninstallcopymoveto.vbs" ,"REG_SZ")

' Add Copy/Move Extensions
Call WshShell.RegWrite ("HKCR\Directory\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers\Copy To\", "{C2FBB630-2971-11d1-A18C-00C04FD75D13}" ,"REG_SZ")
Call WshShell.RegWrite ("HKCR\*\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers\Copy To\", "{C2FBB630-2971-11d1-A18C-00C04FD75D13}" ,"REG_SZ")
Call WshShell.RegWrite ("HKCR\Directory\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers\Move To\", "{C2FBB631-2971-11d1-A18C-00C04FD75D13}" ,"REG_SZ")
Call WshShell.RegWrite ("HKCR\*\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers\Move To\", "{C2FBB631-2971-11d1-A18C-00C04FD75D13}" ,"REG_SZ")

Set WshShell = Nothing

MsgBox "Install Finished!"
End If

Second Code

If (MsgBox ("Are you sure you want to uninstall the Copy/Move To Extensions?", VBYesNo) = vbYes) then
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

' Remove Copy/Move Extensions
Call WshShell.RegDelete ("HKCR\Directory\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers\Copy To\")
Call WshShell.RegDelete ("HKCR\*\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers\Copy To\")
Call WshShell.RegDelete ("HKCR\Directory\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers\Move To\")
Call WshShell.RegDelete ("HKCR\*\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers\Move To\")

' Remove uninstall reg entry and delete uninstall file
BaseKey = "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Copy Move To Extensions\"
Call WshShell.RegDelete (BaseKey)

WinDir = WshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%Windir%")
Set fso = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Call fso.DeleteFile(WinDir & "\uninstallcopymoveto.vbs", True)
Set fso = Nothing

Set WshShell = Nothing

MsgBox "Uninstall Finished!"
End If

No matter how good your systems may be, they're only as effective as what you put into them.


The following registry settings will help to increase the resistance of the NT or Windows 2000 network stack to network denial of service attacks. All of the TCP/IP parameters are registry values located under the registry key:


1. SynAttackProtect

a.) Key: Tcpip\Parameters
b.) Value Type: REG_DWORD
c.) Valid Range: 0, 1, 2
0 (no synattack protection)

1 (reduced retransmission retries and delayed RCE (route cache entry) creation if
the TcpMaxHalfOpen and TcpMaxHalfOpenRetried settings are satisfied.)

2 (in addition to 1 a delayed indication to Winsock is made.)

Note: When the system finds itself under attack the following options on any socket can no longer be enabled : Scalable windows (RFC 1323) and per adapter configured TCP parameters (Initial RTT, window size). This is because when protection is functioning the route cache entry is not queried before the SYN-ACK is sent and the Winsock options are not available at this stage of the connection.

d.) Default: 0 (False)

e.) Recommendation: 2

f.) Description: Synattack protection involves reducing the amount of retransmissions for the SYN-ACKS, which will reduce the time for which resources have to remain allocated. The allocation of route cache entry resources is delayed until a connection is made. If synattackprotect = 2, then the connection indication to AFD is delayed until the three-way handshake is completed. Also note that the actions taken by the protection mechanism only occur if TcpMaxHalfOpen and TcpMaxHalfOpenRetried settings are exceeded

2. TcpMaxHalfOpen

a.) Key: Tcpip\Parameters
b.) Value Type: REG_DWORD—Number
c.) Valid Range: 100–0xFFFF
d.) Default: 100 (Professional, Server), 500 (advanced server)
e.) Recommendation: default
f.) Description: This parameter controls the number of connections in the SYN-RCVD state allowed before SYN-ATTACK protection begins to operate. If SynAttackProtect is set to 1, ensure that this value is lower than the AFD listen backlog on the port you want to protect(see Backlog Parameters for more information). See the SynAttackProtect parameter for more details

3. TcpMaxHalfOpenRetried

a.) Key: Tcpip\Parameters
b.) Value Type: REG_DWORD—Number
c.) Valid Range: 80–0xFFFF
d.) Default: 80 (Professional, Server), 400 (Advanced Server)
e.) Recommendation: default
f.) Description: This parameter controls the number of connections in the SYN-RCVD state for which there has been at least one retransmission of the SYN sent, before SYN-ATTACK attack protection begins to operate. See the SynAttackProtect parameter for more details.

4. EnablePMTUDiscovery

a.) Key: Tcpip\Parameters
b.) Value Type: REG_DWORD—Boolean
c.) Valid Range: 0, 1 (False, True)
d.) Default: 1 (True)
e.) Recommendation: 0
f.) Description: When this parameter is set to 1 (True) TCP attempts to discover the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU or largest packet size) over the path to a remote host. By discovering the Path MTU and limiting TCP segments to this size, TCP can eliminate fragmentation at routers along the path that connect networks with different MTUs. Fragmentation adversely affects TCP throughput and network congestion. Setting this parameter to 0 causes an MTU of 576 bytes to be used for all connections that are not to hosts on the local subnet

5. NoNameReleaseOnDemand

a.) Key: Netbt\Parameters
b.) Value Type: REG_DWORD—Boolean
c.) Valid Range: 0, 1 (False, True)
d.) Default: 0 (False)
e.) Recommendation: 1
f.) Description: This parameter determines whether the computer releases its NetBIOS name when it receives a name-release request from the network. It was added to allow the administrator to protect the machine against malicious name-release attacks

6. EnableDeadGWDetect

a.) Key: Tcpip\Parameters
b.) Value Type: REG_DWORD—Boolean
c.) Valid Range: 0, 1 (False, True)
e.) Default: 1 (True)
f.) Recommendation: 0
g.) Description: When this parameter is 1, TCP is allowed to perform dead-gateway detection. With this feature enabled, TCP may ask IP to change to a backup gateway if a number of connections are experiencing difficulty. Backup gateways may be defined in the Advanced section of the TCP/IP configuration dialog in the Network Control Panel. See the "Dead Gateway Detection" section in this paper for details

7. KeepAliveTime

a.) Key: Tcpip\Parameters
b.) Value Type: REG_DWORD—Time in milliseconds
c.) Valid Range: 1–0xFFFFFFFF
d.) Default: 7,200,000 (two hours)
e.) Recommendation: 300,000
f.) Description: The parameter controls how often TCP attempts to verify that an idle connection is still intact by sending a keep-alive packet. If the remote system is still reachable and functioning, it acknowledges the keep-alive transmission. Keep-alive packets are not sent by default. This feature may be enabled on a connection by an application

8. PerformRouterDiscovery

a.) Key: Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces b.) Value Type: REG_DWORD
c.) Valid Range: 0,1,2
0 (disabled)
1 (enabled)
2 (enable only if DHCP sends the router discover option)
d.) Default: 2, DHCP-controlled but off by default.
e.) Recommendation: 0
f.) Description: This parameter controls whether Windows 2000 attempts to perform router discovery per RFC 1256 on a per-interface basis. See also SolicitationAddressBcast

9. EnableICMPRedirects

a.) Key: Tcpip\Parameters
b.) Value Type: REG_DWORD
c.) Valid Range: 0, 1 (False, True)
d.) Default: 1 (True)
e.) Recommendation: 0 (False)
f.) Description: This parameter controls whether Windows 2000 will alter its route table in response to ICMP redirect messages that are sent to it by network devices such as a routers.

No matter how good your systems may be, they're only as effective as what you put into them.


Below you'll find many ways (sorted in the most successful ratio first) to stop the Windows Messenger service, depending on your system environment, some may require more than one process. This service is available only on NT, 2K, XP & Server 2003. Administrator Login is REQUIRED.

About The Messenger Service
-Messenger is a Windows Service that runs in the background
-Messenger is not the same as MSN Messenger or any other Instant Messaging Program
-Messenger does not facilitate two-way chatting
-Many Windows Programs, Firewalls, UPS and Antiviruses require the Messenger Service
-Antivirus and UPS software, among others, may not work if Messenger is disabled
-The Messenger Service is usually turned on by default in most Windows NT, 2K and XP systems

1. Manually

a. Example 1

1. Click Start, Run and enter the following command:
RunDll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection %windir%\inf\msmsgs.inf,BLC.Remove
NOTE: This will prevent a long delay when opening Outlook Express if you have the Contacts pane enabled

2. To prevent this, click Start, Run and enter {REGEDIT} Go to:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Outlook Express

3. Right click in the right pane and select New, Dword value

4. Give it the name Hide Messenger Double click this new entry and set the value to 2

5. End result should look EXACTLY like this:
System Key: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Outlook Express]
Value Name: Hide Messenger
Data Type: REG_DWORD (DWORD Value)
Value Data: (2 = remove messenger)

b. Example 2

1. Copy and paste the following to Run Command Bar in the Start Menu:
RunDll32.exe advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection

c. Example 3

1. If Example 5 didn't work, then try this - Many users miss or don't know of it

2. Click on Start then go to RUN and type:

3. Change:

4. To:

5. Then use Add/Remove Windows Components to remove Messenger
NOTE: You can also prevent access to Windows Messenger using Group Policy or the Set Program Access and Defaults utility added by default in Windows XP SP1 and Windows 2000 SP3

d. Example 4

1. Open Windows Messenger
2. From the menu, select "Tools" then "Options" then "Preferences" tab
3. Uncheck "Run this program when Windows starts"
4. Open Outlook Express
5. From the menu, select "Tools" then "Options" then "General" tab
6. Uncheck the option to "Automatically log on", if it's there
7. Also in Outlook Express, select "View" then "Layout"
8. Uncheck the option to "display Contacts" - The program will open a connection and display a list of all Contacts on line if you do not
9. In "Startup Folder" make sure there is no entry there for Messenger
10. Open Norton Anti-Virus if you have it installed
11. Click "Options" then "Instant Messenger"
12. Unckeck "Windows Messenger (recommended"

NOTE: This list ought to work in disassociate MSN from Outlook Express, so that it'll only start up if you really want it to.

e. Example 5

1. 2000

* Click Start-> Settings-> Control Panel-> Administrative Tools->Services
* Scroll down and highlight "Messenger"
* Right-click the highlighted line and choose Properties
* Click the STOP button
* Select Disable in the Startup Type scroll bar
* Click OK

2. XP Home

* Click Start->Settings ->Control Panel
* Click Performance and Maintenance
* Click Administrative Tools
* Double click Services
* Scroll down and highlight "Messenger"
* Right-click the highlighted line and choose Properties
* Click the STOP button
* Select Disable in the Startup Type scroll bar
* Click OK

3. XP Professional

* Click Start->Settings ->Control Panel
* Click Administrative Tools
* Click Services
* Double click Services
* Scroll down and highlight "Messenger"
* Right-click the highlighted line and choose Properties.
* Click the STOP button.
* Select Disable in the Startup Type scroll bar
* Click OK

4. Windows NT

* Click Start ->Control Panel
* Double Click Administrative Tools
* Select Services-> Double-click on Messenger
* In the Messenger Properties window, select Stop
* Then choose Disable as the Startup Type
* Click OK

NOTE: If you stop the service and don’t adjust the startup type, the Messenger service will start automatically the next time you reboot. Keep in mind that when you disable the Messenger service, you'll no longer receive messages about an attached UPS, and you won’t be notified of print job completion, performance alerts, or antivirus activity (from Windows) not the program you're using for those purposes.

f. Example 6

1. To disable receipt of messenger pop-ups, verify that your firewall disables inbound traffic on UDP ports 135, 137, and 138, and TCP ports 135 and 139. On a system connected directly to the Internet, you should also disable inbound traffic on TCP port 445. If the system you want to protect is part of a Win2K-based network with Active Directory (AD), don't block incoming traffic on port 445 - Microsoft Knowledge Base Article - 330904



NOTE: You can use the firewall approach only if your system doesn't communicate with legacy systems that rely on NetBIOS name resolution to locate machines and shared resources. If, for example, you let users running Windows 9x share your printer or scanner, when you disable inbound NetBIOS traffic, users won't be able to connect to these shared resources. Regardless of the method you choose, you can stop messenger spam.

a. Example 1

1. Right-click "My Computer"
2. Select "Manage"
3. Under "System Tools" right-click on "Shared Folders"
4. Choose "All Tasks" and select "Send Console Message..."
5. If you recieve the following error message then the service has been disabled, otherwise confirm that you have disabled it or try another example

"The following error occured while reading the list of sessions from Windows clients:
Error 2114: The Server service is not started."

b. Example 2

1. Click Start then "Run"
2. Type in {cmd.exe}
3. Type in net send hi
4. If you get a popup "hi" message, then confirm that you have disabled it or try another example.

No matter how good your systems may be, they're only as effective as what you put into them.


Instructions: Open notepad, copy and paste the code, then save using the names I have here. Click that file and select "YES" to apply the tweak. You may have to reboot for the tweak to work.

WARNING: editing the registry can be dangerous if you don't know what you're doing, make sure to USE YOUR HEAD, if you removed something you didn't want to, don't worry, just use the back up in this program.

1. DNS Parameters (dns.reg)

a.)[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\ Services\Dnscache\Parameters]

When you type a site's address and click go, the browser will have to resolve that address into an IP first. With this tweak the DNS is used so it would not be needed to ask for such info every time you click go.

2. Scheduled Tasks (remote.reg)

a.)[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/ Microsoft/ Windows/ Current Version/ Explorer/ RemoteComputer/ NameSpace]

Find the key named {D6277990-4C6A-11CF-8D87-00AA0060F5BF} and delete it.

This key instructs Windows to search for Scheduled Tasks on remote computers. Most people don't ever use it, so why keep it.

3.)Forward Buffer Memory (buffer.reg)


This controls how much RAM TCP/IP uses for storing packet data in the router packet queue.

4. Special Tweak-TCPIP1 (tcpip1.reg)


5. Special Tweak-TCPIP 2 (tcpip2.reg)

a.) [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\{3FEFA8E3-66C7-4C49-BCB0-3B4078E677C2}]

6. Cable/56K Modem (cable.reg)

a .) [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters]
"UpdateSecurityLevel "=dword:00000000

7. LanMan Workstation (lanman.reg)


8. NetBT Parameters (netbt.reg)

a.) [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\NetBT\Parameters]

9. MRU/MTU (mru_mtu.reg)

a.) [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\{3FEFA8E3-66C7-4C49-BCB0-3B4078E677C2}]

No matter how good your systems may be, they're only as effective as what you put into them.

Monday, August 15, 2005



1. AD-AWARE (1.7mb) - "Standard Edition is THE award winning, free, multicomponent detection and removal utility that consistently leads the industry in safety, user satisfaction, support and reliability"

2. AOL HIDER (475kb) - "Excellent program that simply hides AOL into the task window in the bottom right corner. Makes it look like you have a real internet connection! Compatable with all versions"

3. FPIPE - "FPipe is a source port forwarder/redirector. It can create a TCP or UDP stream with a source port of your choice. This is useful for getting past firewalls that allow traffic with source ports of say 23, to connect with internal servers"

4. FPORT - "Reports all open TCP/IP and UDP ports and maps them to the owning application"

5. MAGIC MAIL MONITOR (71kb) - Tiny POP3 compliant Mail Checker: the best choice for checking one or multiple account quickly, at periodic interval. Fully configurable, nice interface

6. MAILINATOR - "Have you ever needed an email .. NOW? Have you ever gone to a website that asks for your email for no reason (other than they are going to sell your email address to the highest bidder so you get spammed forever)?"

7. NET LIMITER [614KB) - "NetLimiter is an ultimate internet traffic control tool"

8. NESSUS - "A security scanner which will audit remotely a given network and determine whether bad guys (aka 'crackers') may break into it, or misuse it in some way." For Linux ONLY

9. NETSCAN PRO (925kb) - "NETSCAN PRO is the real advanced TCP/IP monitoring utility which allows you to monitor all network activity at your computer. NETSCAN PRO 3.3 has a graphical and text interface which makes the program unique in its kind! It's very easy to use! All you do is run the program and see all established connections and opened ports at your computer"

10. NO ADS (215kb) - "Popup killing at its best! This nifty utility is great when surfing websites. If a popup appears, open the program that is in the task tray and double click it and its gone. It will then store it and kill it in the future too. It is the first one I've seen that supports AOL! Even works great with programs like KaZaA"

11. Online JPEG compressor - "Can help you to make your pages load faster by reducing the size of your JPEG files. It will display multiple versions of a given image compressed at different levels for you to pick the smallest image at the best possible image quality you require"

12. PCS NETWORK TOOLS (1150kb) - "The PCS Network Tools is a collection of essential network diagnostic tools. These tools include DNS resolution which provides the IP Address, Hostname, Hostname Alias, Mailhost, and Name Server Records for an entered host. In addition, the following tools are also included: IP Scanner, Traceroute, Ping, Whois, Finger, Time, Quote of the Day, and extensive Localhost information. Local information includes the hostname, alias, IP address, MAC address, username, Primary Domain Controller, NetBIOS, memory, windows version and build, and other vital information"

13. PEER GUARDIAN - PeerGuardian 2 is Methlabs’ premier IP blocker for Windows. With features like support for multiple lists, a list editor, automatic updates, and blocking all of IPv4 (TCP, UDP, ICMP, etc), PeerGuardian 2 is the safest and easiest way to protect your privacy on P2P. Plus, by integrating with, lists are built custom just for you. - Look for the Linux/OSX version on this site

14. PING PLOTTER - "This exceptional GUI-based traceroute tool has features I’ve only seen in expensive industrial-strength tools, including dynamic tracking of changes in node response time — great for tracking a network outage across time. It’s also very fast!" - For NT/2K/XP ONLY

15. PROXIRAMA (154kb) - "A tool for finding and testing proxy servers. it will test them for anonymity, speed, if it's a gateway proxy, https support (=chainability) and geographical location. furthermore, it can be used as a local proxy server that redirects your traffic through a arbitrarily long chain of anonymous proxies. it is small, fast, and easy to use"

16. SPYBOT - SEARCH & DESTORY (3.5mb) - "This free program can detect and remove spyware of different kinds from your computer. Spyware is a relatively new kind of threat that common anti-virus applications do not yet cover"


a.) BCWIPE - "Is intended to give you a confidence that your deleted files cannot be recovered by an intruder" For Linux/FreeBSD/OpenBSD/Solaris/Digital UNIX/Irix/Windows

b.)BEST CRYPT - "A Data Encryption system provides the most comprehensive and easy-to-use secure data storage and access control facilities available" For Linux/FreeBSD/OpenBSD/Solaris/Digital UNIX/Irix/Windows

c.) CIA UNERASE - " Is the first product using the CIS technology to recover deleted files. Using CIS, CIA Unerase recovers almost any file you deleted even before you installed CIA Unerase and files where all other solutions on the market failed. CIA Unerase is the smallest, easiest and fastest Unerasing-tool we know"

d.)DARIK'S BOOT AND NUKE (1962kb) - "Darik's Boot and Nuke ("DBAN") is a self-contained boot floppy that securely wipes the hard disks of most computers. DBAN will automatically and completely delete the contents of any hard disk that it can detect, which makes it an appropriate utility for bulk or emergency data destruction." Available in floppy and CD version. This tool is very dangerous. After using the WinImage extractor to create the “nuke” boot floppy disk, you then reboot the target system with the disk in drive A. The main point of this program is to securely delete everything, so NEVER run it on a system that you intend to use again.

e.)ERASER (2745kb) - "Eraser is an advanced security tool (for Windows), which allows you to completely remove sensitive data from your hard drive by overwriting it several times with carefully selected patterns. Works with Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP and DOS. Eraser is FREE software and its source code is released under GNU General Public License.
The patterns used for overwriting are based on Peter Gutmann's paper "Secure Deletion of Data from Magnetic and Solid-State Memory" and they are selected to effectively remove magnetic remnants from the hard drive.
Other methods include the one defined in the National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual of the US Department of Defence and overwriting with pseudorandom data. You can also define your own overwriting methods." The US Defence Security Service (DSS) is one of their clients.

f.)DELLATER (3kb) - "DelLater is the ideal program to use when you can't delete a file, no matter how hard you try"

g.)HIDE IT - Hide running applications

h.)KILL - "Shuts down one or more running Windows NT tasks or processes" - For 2K/XP

i.)KILL95 - Shuts down any processes running in memory

j.)ZAP - "deletes files that are either in use or otherwise cannot be deleted" - For 2K/XP *****


a.) CIS - "A free security scanner written and maintained by Cerberus Information Security, Ltd and is designed to help administrators locate and fix security holes in their computer systems. This tool is a must!" To see the checks it does, go]HERE - For NT/2K

b.)COOL BEANS SYSTEM INFO (820kb) - "A small but powerful program that monitors your computer's CPU, physical memory, and swap memory usage"

c.)DEPENDENCY WALKER (406KB) - "A free utility that scans any 32-bit or 64-bit Windows module (exe, dll, ocx, sys, etc.) and builds a hierarchical tree diagram of all dependent modules." Can be helpful to identify missing files/dll after installtion of programs

d.)HHD SRVADMIN - "A very useful as a replacement to the ordinary NT service and device control panel applets, because it repeats and extends the functionality provided by them. Plus, it allows administrators to perform tasks, which usually not available to them without installing Windows NT Resource Kit." For NT/2K

e.)NTFS Reader for DOS - This is an absolutely essential recovery tool if you use NTFS partitions. Add this 147 KB executable file to your Win9x-based boot floppy and it will let you read any NTFS partition and copy off files to any FAT partition. (Don’t be thrown when the page says “Demo software.” It’s outright freeware.) - For NT/2K/XP ONLY

f.)NTSubst - "Extended version of the NT subst command. NtSubst allows you to assign the drive letter not only to any valid path, but also any valid NT Object Manager path." For NT/2000

g.)POWER PROMPT - "will allow you to run programs as System"

h.)PROCESS EXPLORER (150kb) - "The unique capabilities of Process Explorer make it useful for tracking down DLL-version problems or handle leaks, and provide insight into the way Windows and applications work"

i.)REVELATION - Discloses passwords that are only displayed as asterisks. I suppose, ultimately, this is a cracker’s tool; but there are practical, legitimate uses for it, so I decided to post the link. - For 9x/2K/XP. Please use it in good faith.

j.)RUN AS USER v4.1 - The function of this software is to allow Administrators to deploy applications that require elevated user rights to users who have restricted rights without having to issue Administrator Credentials to the user. It does this by passing a Run As User type command to the Operating System for the duration of the task at hand. It will only give the elevated rights to that specific task, so you can be safe knowing that the user will not have access to any restricted resources while the application is running. Other uses of this software include running games that require the administrator account to run. - For XP. Please use it in good faith.

k.)SHUTDOWN - Small commandline utility that makes it a breeze to log off, shutdown, restart, hibernate, or put in stand-by mode your Win XP computer. It’s the only utility I know that shuts down Win XP and then reliably powers off the computer. For XP ONLY.

l.)STARTUP CPL - "A nifty control panel applet that allows you to easily configure which programs run when your computer starts."

m.)STARTUP MONITOR - "A small utility that runs transparently (it doesn't even use a tray icon) and notifies you when any program registers itself to run at system startup. It prevents those utterly useless tray applications from registering themselves behind your back, and it acts as a security tool against trojans like BackOrifice or Netbus."

n.)STORM WINDOW - A great and FREE utility for Windows desktop security


a.)ADVISOR - Displays all your PC info (hardware/software) on one page

b.)SKRUB THE WEB - "Search Microsoft Knowledge Base, MSDN, Google and Google Groups in a single click"


a.)DOS HERE (197kb) - "An Explorer Shell Extension to provide easy and quick access to the DOS Prompt in the requested folder"


a.)ANSWERS THAT WORK - "Through our support service we often come across problems caused primarily by programs running in the background, programs which in most cases start at the same time as Windows. Sometimes these programs are useful and need to be there; quite often, however, they are not needed, and in too many cases they cause severe problems." This is not a program, however it would be a great small utility if packaged.

b.)ERUNT - "Finally, a tool to back up the Win XP Registry! (Microsoft didn’t include one with Win XP itself.)" - For NT/2K/XP ONLY


* NTRegOpt is included in the above file - This optimizes the Win NT/2K/XP Registry much as SCANREG /OPT does for Win98/ME.

c.)HIJACK THIS - "HijackThis examines certain key areas of the Registry and Hard Drive and lists their contents. These are areas which are used by both legitimate programmers and hijackers." - USE WITH CAUTION AND AT YOUR RISK

d.)TWEAKUI - THE BEST OF ALL THE PowerToys! This should be standard on every (pre-XP) Windows computer whatsoever! Many new features added.

No matter how good your systems may be, they're only as effective as what you put into them.

Sunday, August 14, 2005


The challenge with a problem is not so much the solution but figuring out what the actual problem is. For instance: if your internet connection is lost you might automatically assume it's a problem your ISP, yet the problem might actually be a cable connection problem, a corrupted software file, a conflict with another software program running at the same time, a virus or any number of other problems. By doing some basic troubleshooting you can effectively identify problems and get farther down the path to an actual solution. Also, if you need to call a manufacturers help-line, the call will be much more productive if you've done some troubleshooting before hand.

Before you do anything:

Check your mental state and don’t panic! My personal theory to computer problems is that there is a direct connection between the amount of stress a user is under and the number of times a computer will crash. Chances are that when you are in a rush to get a document out the door, you will forget to close open applications, or to save your work and you will send too many commands (like printing, spell-check, etc.) at once. If you're moving fast on the computer, it pays to take a moment, take a deep breath, close unnecessary programs and save your work. Also, if you're trying to solve a problem that your computer is having, you will need full mental capabilities. So if you're feeling frustrated and tired while trying to troubleshoot - take a break! You’ll find you’ll solve your problems much faster if you have a fresh mind and attitude. Don’t panic either. Sometimes computer problems can appear to be much more serious than they really are. Panicking can lead you to jump to a solution of a perceived problem before you’ve actually identified the real problem.

1. Some initial steps:

a.)Check the component's documentation and/or the manufacturer's website: The appendix of most manuals will contain a troubleshooting guide that will identify the most common problems the component may have. Most software installations include placing a readme file in the programs directory that will list all known incompatibilities. Manufacturer websites can be extremely helpful as well, with support pages that will direct you to common problems and solutions that may include a software "patch" that can be downloaded directly from the site and then run on your hard drive

b.)Check for Viruses: Any strange behavior on a computer could be due to a virus. Use an anti-viral program to scan your system - and follow the instructions on the use of the anti-viral program closely

c.)Use diagnostic utilities: Software crashes can often be caused by corrupted files or registry conflicts. Using a program like Window's Scan Disk (found under System Tools in the Accessories folder on your program menu) can identify and fix corrupted files. Norton Utilities has a program called "System Check" that both checks the integrity of your files and looks for software conflicts and will repair problems

2. If none of those steps work - it's time to use your brain!

a.)Ask yourself - when did the problem I’m experiencing first start? If you made any change, such as installing new software or adding hardware, to the computer and now you are having a problem, chances are the change is the cause. Also, while you're trying to identify problems and solutions remember to make only one change to your system at a time, so you can easily trace your steps.

b.)Determine if the problem is repeatable or if it is intermittent: A repeatable problem is one that occurs all the time, or always in response to a specific user action

For example, if the computer crashes everytime you print a document - that’s a repeatable problem, an intermittent problem will appear to happen spontaneously or randomly. An intermittent problem is usually the result of a specific set of circumstances happening occasionally. With these problems it is important to try to establish a pattern involved in the problem. Keep a problem log at the computer and try to write down all the circumstances occurring when the crash occurred, including the most minute detail.

c.)Use the process of elimination: Start to remove components from your system one at a time. After you remove a component test to see if the problem still exists. This is a great way to figure out if the problem is caused by a conflict between software programs and/or hardware. Start by removing the most recently installed stuff first

3. Some Final Tips:

a.)If you call the helpline - be patient and prepared: You will have to wait on hold awhile to get to get an actual person on the phone. Like death and taxes that's just a fact of life. If you can review all the troubleshooting steps you took to identify the problem, the technical assistance operator will be able to identify the solution more quickly and effectively

Remember: if you get a technical assistance operator on the line don't hang up until you're sure the problem has been solved

b.)If the equipment is new, send it back: Most equipment is under warranty and if there is anything severely wrong with it, you should send it back. This may not help your immediate goal, but it will save you plenty of time in the long run. If the equipment is under warranty, the vendor will deal with it.

The most important thing to remember while troubleshooting is to be patient and observant. By using these steps you should easily be able to resolve even the most inexplicable problems

No matter how good your systems may be, they're only as effective as what you put into them.


First, a brief explanation on why this happens. This is usually because an active process has an open handle to the file which prevents it from being deleted. Normally if you close down all running programs you'll find that most files will then be free to delete, but that's not always the case, and in some cases it may even be a trojan that's preventing itself from being deleted.

BASIC REGISTRY RULE: Any changes made to the registry file are crucial to the running of Windows and if damaged or misconfigured, could cause severe problems.
Follow Microsfot's recommended instructions to "BackUP" all important data first. It's recommended to save the backup on a CD, DVD or seperate HD due to the size factor (large)

This option is not installed in Windows XP Home Edition. To install you will need the XP Home CDRom. Navigate to %CDROM%\VALUEADD\MSFT\NTBACKUP\. Look for Ntbackup.msi and double-click it to execute the install wizard.

1.) MoveFileEx - A Windows function that moves an existing file or directory

WARNING: editing the registry can be dangerous if you don't know what you're doing, make sure to USE YOUR HEAD, if you removed something you didn't want to, don't worry, just use the back up in this program

a.)The MOVEFILE_DELAY_UNTIL_REBOOT option places an entry under the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\PendingFileRenameOperations and the file is moved or deleted (if destination NULL) when the system next reboots. Unfortunately as this is not supported under Windows95/98 an application must use entries in WININIT.ini to achieve the same effect.

b.)BOOL MoveFileEx (LPCTSTR pExistingFilePath, LPCTSTR pNewFilePath, DWORD dwFlags)

* TRUE if function succeeded

pExistingFilePath.......Source path to an existing file
pNewFilePath............New location for the file
dwFlags....................Optoions controlling the move
* Move or rename a file

Move or rename a file to a new location.
Only meaningfully implemented on NT. Windows95 returns
The source and destination path should be on the same drive as the system can then just change folder entries without actually copying the file contents. If MOVEFILE_COPY_ALLOWED is supplied and the system needs to copy the file it will require the additional disk space for the temporary file, in this case the original file is deleted only after the copy is successful.

c.)The flags allow more control over the move, it can be zero or a combination of the following values :
MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING.......The destination can be overwritten if it exists
MOVEFILE_COPY_ALLOWED.............Allow a copy if destination on a different drive to the source
MOVEFILE_DELAY_UNTIL_REBOOT...The move takes place on reboot (NT only)
MOVEFILE_WRITE_THROUGH...........Do not return until changes flushed to disk (NT only)


2.)Using Windows InProcServer32 process

WARNING: editing the registry can be dangerous if you don't know what you're doing, make sure to USE YOUR HEAD, if you removed something you didn't want to, don't worry, just use the back up in this program

a.)Open notepad, copy and paste the code below. Then save the file as "avifix.inf" without the quotes
; Windows XP explorer movie fix.
; WARNING - Use this file at your own risk.
; Executing this file will remove a registry key which makes explorer load shmedia.dll.
; Simply put, this removes the annoying "permission denied" errors when trying to
; move/copy/delete AVI files.
; To use this fix, right-click on the file and select install. Done.
; Information about the registry key from multiple sources.
; Inf-file compiled by Moo (2002-03-22).
; Idea by Duxus. Thanks to the kind people of "[BBB] Sweden #01", you know who you are!

signature="$Windows NT$"

DelReg = Reduce.Reg

HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{87D62D94-71B3-4b9a-9489-5FE6850DC73E}\InProcServer32"
2. Right-click "avifix.inf" and select install


3.)Delete the file in DOS mode (99.99% success ratio)

a.)Download & install DOS Here (197kb) - "An Explorer Shell Extension to provide easy and quick access to the DOS Prompt in the requested folder"

b.)Open Explorer and go to the directory where the stubborn file resides (DO NOT HIGHLIGHT THE FILE)

c.) Right Click and select "CMD here"

d.)Close all open applications

e.)Open the Task Manager and click on the Processes tab, select "explorer.exe" under Image Name, click "End Process"

f.)You will only have the command prompt and the task manager open

g.)In the Command Prompt, DEL the offending files (DEL *.mpg, DEL mus*.avi, DEL test.wmv, etc.)

h.)The files should now delete without a problem. Now go back to the task manager and click on the Applications tab. Click the "New Task..." button. in the dialog, type explorer.exe and click OK


4.)Delete the file association first

WARNING: editing the registry can be dangerous if you don't know what you're doing, make sure to USE YOUR HEAD, if you removed something you didn't want to, don't worry, just use the back up in this program

a.)Start >Run >regedit {enter}

b.)Navigate to this key HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\SystemFileAssociations\.avi\shellex\PropertyHandler

c.)Delete the "Default" key

d.)Close regedit

e.)Follow the above test again, is a simple del doesn't work


5.) Delete the file in DOS mode

a.)Start >Run >cmd {enter}

b.)Navigate to the folder the file is in, i.e. if its in c:\folder\anotherfolder\file, type "cd c:\folder\anotherfolder" {enter} The coomand prompt should change to let you know you are in the correct directory.

c.)Type "dir /x" {enter}

d.)The offending file will be listed like (

e.)Type attrib -r -s -a -h filename.extension {enter}

f.)Take note of the name and type "del" {enter}


6.)Try to take ownership of the file

a.)Right click the file
b.)Select the security Tab
c.)Select properties
d.)Select Advanced
e.)Select Owner
f.)Find the User or group you wish to give ownership to and select it
g.)Click apply
h.)now try deleting it.


7.) If the file is Media (MP3, MPG, AVI, etc...)

a.)Remember the filename (X) and location
b.)Run another file (Y) with the same extension
c.)now Delete the file (X)

This occurs sometimes when windows thinks that the file (X) ur trying to delete is still open, eventhough u closed the app and the file.


8.)Try one of these small programs

a.)FreeFile - "FreeFile will free a file by finding the process that holds the lock, and allow you to terminate it"

b.)ZAP - "deletes files that are either in use or otherwise cannot be deleted" (works with XP & 2K)

c.)DELLATER (3kb) - "DelLater is the ideal program to use when you can't delete a file, no matter how hard you try" - This tool does the same as above in Option 1

d.)DeepDelete (15kb) - "DeepDelete is a file shredder designed to totally delete files on your hard drive. It works by overwriting files many times before deleting them, making them almost impossible to recover. DeepDelete uses a standard of stredding that is more powerful than the official US DoD standards." - This tool is no longer updated/developed

No matter how good your systems may be, they're only as effective as what you put into them.

Saturday, August 13, 2005

New scam asks people to fax away data

Technique comes as people are increasingly skeptical about entering credit card details in online forms.Article was obtained from TechRepublic.

New Scam


Create An All-Purpose Calendar in Word

When you need a simple way to track events and tasks, build a no-frills monthly calendar with a single button click.Try this download out.Article was obtained from TechRepublic.

Create An All-Purpose Calendar In Word


Google Pauses Library Project

Google will temporarily stop scanning copyright-protected books from libraries into its database.Article was obtained from TechRepublic.

Google Pauses Library Project


Brief Tutorial Of Macromedia Director

This link would be extremely useful for fresh individuals whom seeking knowledge of Macromedia Director. They are brief but will act as a great stepping stone.Hope it comes helpful to a few.

Tutorial Of Macromedia Director


Moderate List of E-Books!!!

Moderate list of E-books for download.It's has a mixture of various books.Hope some will find it beneficial.

Moderate List Of E-Books!!!


How to Watch DivX Movies on Your TV??

The link below will guide you to install and watch DivX videos from your PC on you home TV.Hope to works for your guys.This was obtained from the official
DivX website.

Watching DivX Movies on your TV


Free Classical Fiction E-Books!!

Download various classical fiction e-books!!!

Free Classical E-Books

Around the World in 80 Days
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Anna Karenina
Aesop's Fables
A Christmas Carol
Vanity Fair
The Lost World
Women in Love
For the Term of His Natural Life
..................................... 'n more !


Friday, August 12, 2005

Scripts And Templates

Well sure you tech savvy dudes there would enjoy this site.It’s based more for scripts and templates.Enjoy yourselfs with this over the weekend....

Scripts & Templates


Monks Run Out Of The World's Best Beer

Monks at a Belgian abbey have been forced to stop selling their famous beer after it was voted the best in the world and was promptly sold out.This was obtained from

Monks Run World's Best Beer

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Isaac Asimov Books

All four are great books by Isaac Asimov...





Search For e-Book Using Google.Com

As you know is the most popular search engine in the world.
Here are some tips to helps you find eBooks with Google:

Find Apache's (default) Index page
Try this query:

+("index of") +("/ebooks"|"/book") +(chm|pdf|zip|rar) +apache

Find a particular eBook file.
Try this query:

allinurl: +(rar|chm|zip|pdf|tgz) TheTitle

Hope you guys find your favourite books there.


Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Google Could Help You Read Any Book For Free!!!

I never thought that Google could help you read any book you like (except a few restricted pages). But it really does.Check it out guys!!!

9 Steps:

1. Go to

2. Enter the name of any book u like

3. Now that u can see the names of books, click on the book that you like

4. Go to the CONTENTS page and see if the book has all that u are looking for

5. Note the page number of the book hat interests you.

6. There is an option "SEARCH WITHIN THE BOOK". Just enter the page number (say 152) of the book and hit ENTER

7. Some links gets opened. Click the one that shows "Page 152"

8. You can read 3 pages before and 3 pages after your specified page. Now enter the page number that u want to read (in the similar fashion)

9. In this way u can read all the books of the world that is with GOOGLE.

Let me know if you come across any good books!!!


Run Internet Explorer 7!!!!

Most of us are hesitant to install Internet Explorer 7 particularly as it is a Beta version and will more than likely mess up your windows XP install. This method allows you to run IE7 from a directory without even installing it.

1. First download a copy of IE7.

2. Extract the downloaded RAR file to a directory somewhere.

3. Then extract the file "IE7-WindowsXP-x86-enu.exe" using Winrar or similar to the same directory.

4. Delete or rename the file SHLWAPI.DLL

5. Open a blank page in Notepad and save this blank file to the same directory and name it IEXPLORE.exe.local

6. You will now be able to run the IEXPLORE.exe file and use IE7.

7. Create a desktop shortcut to IEXPLORE.exe and thats it, you are away! icon_biggrin.gif

Notes: This does not work on Win XP SP1.It runs on Win XP SP2.
Home page remains as normal because properties are used from those specified in Int
ernet Options. The Favorites Menu didn't work for me, however I was able to open the Favorites sidebar from the View menu. This gave full access to my existing IE favorites which is good because I also share these Favorites with Firefox.

It maybe sticky for a few users.Take it easy alrite, it's still a Beta version.


New Blu-ray Discs

New Blu-ray discs to combat DVD piracy.One of the two groups vying to produce the next generation of DVDs has rolled out new security features to entice entertainment and electronics companies to adopt its technology.Published in The Sydney Morning Herald.

New Blu-ray Disc

'Aussie' Militant Features In Terror Video

A balaclava-clad man, apparently with an Australian accent, has appeared on Arab television warning that more terrorist attacks will be launched on the West.This was published in The Sydney Morning Herald.

'Aussie' Militant

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Da Vinci film seeks blessing

Will Da Vinci Code offend the catholics? Article was published in The Australian.

Da Vinci Film

This isn’t Hype. This Is Reality

Despite the hype associated with RFID, when you hear success stories from a very large organization, you have to believe there really is something there. This article was published in Info World on RFID.
Click on the link below.


Open-Source Needs More Women Developers

More women are needed in the open source programming projects. Arecent study concludes that only 2% women are actively involved. Click on the link below.

Open-source needs more women developers

Picking The Best RSS Client

Unsure about which RSS Client to use??!! Click on the Link below, hope that will help some newbies. Obtained it from PCMAG.COM

Picking The Best RSS Client

Protect Your E-Mail Address

Was browsing through PCMAG.COM and came across this article on protecting e-mail addresses. Will come in handy for those who trying to avoid spammers. If you guys have others solutions please drop me note.

Spam-Proof Your E-mail Address

Love With All My Heart & Soul

It’s all I have to bring today,
Short lived memories of summer,
Waited every single day for thy,
With hope, anticipation, faith, courage,
That will overcome every obstacle.
Distance seemed tranquil, passion filled the air.

Weren’t a gale, weren’t a tempest,
Virgin is your heart, that swept me off my feat,
Never too look back in anguish and pain,
Will remain as a metaphor, engraved deep in heart,
True sacrifice for love was enduring,
Sign of all I had to shower.

First laid eyes on you, it was mysterious,
Still hear your whisper as I lay in my chamber,
Glittery nights has no meaning,
Your touch has numbed all other senses,
Feel your warm breathe in my ears,
Warmth presence still felt.

Your shadow still fresh in mind,
Hair, sweeping across my face, as you lay on my body,
My arms caress eternity affection,
Savoring moments, that shall never return,
It’s tough to regain sanity to ensue life,
Search of stronger pedestal and pillar to hold.

As we part with fond memories,
Blessing each other for the greatest,
Tears trickle down as paths cross by,
Its beautiful moments will never cease,
Close my eyes to seek peace,
Pray our next step will be no mistake.
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